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NAME (year)


Billy Tolley(52)

  • Geboren 18.01.1973
  • Herkunft Nevada, USA

Billy Tolley, audio/video tech and now investigator for "Ghost Adventures" TV show on the Travel Channel, was previously a professional club DJ working as "DJ Inferno" in Las Vegas, NV. Billy has always been good with computers and has a strong background in audio editing and production software. He was first intrigued by the paranormal after learning about electronic voice phenomena (EVP). Having many years of experience in music and a solid understanding of sound in general, his curiosity led him to investigate and capture EVPs for himself. Amazed at what he captured on his own, Billy soon started his own paranormal group with some friends named: The Las Vegas Paranormal Investigations of Mysterious Phenomena Squad (or P.I.M.P.S. for short). Billy's fascination with the paranormal field grew stronger and soon after he met Zak Bagans. Zak & Billy became good friends and after sharing details of his most recent audio captures Zak invited Billy to review some audio evidence for the show. After doing so, Billy was then employed to review all audio evidence for every episode. Billy soon became very busy with the crew handling a multitude of tasks behind the camera as well as in front of it, from evidence review to gear preparation. Billy is now officially an investigator on the show. He considers himself to be a "skeptical-believer" after having many personal experiences since joining the crew. Aside from the TV shows that he has been apart of, Billy enjoys all aspects of cinematography, especially the use of his own personal drones for aerial photography. He has been credited in quite a few projects for this type of work.


Filme (1)

Demon HouseHimself